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Why co-managed IT with a Managed Services Partner makes sense

The CPA Australia Business Technology Report 2023 found that 56% of APAC businesses surveyed had increased technology investments or upgrades within 12 months, and 49% had reviewed their technology for improvement. Technology is undoubtedly on the priority list for many organisations, but getting it right is not always easy. A co-managed IT partner can provide your business with the needed support.

What are co-managed IT services? Co-managed IT involves a partnership between a company and a Managed Services Provider (MSP). The MSP collaborates with the internal IT team to manage and support the IT function. They provide specialised expertise and resources while the internal team retains control over core IT functions.

Technology trends among businesses in APAC

Source: CPA Australia.

Signs you need co-managed IT

If you already have an in-house team, how do you know if co-managed IT is the right choice for your organisation? Some of the top indicators include:

  • Overwhelmed IT team: Your internal staff spend their days firefighting and struggling to keep up with daily operations and support requests.
  • Skill gaps: Your team lacks specialised expertise in areas such as cybersecurity, cloud management, or network infrastructure.
  • Resource constraints: Your business is growing, but the IT team cannot scale quickly enough to meet new demands.
  • Staff availability: There is no one available to cover support requests when team members are off-site or sick.
  • Project backlog: Major IT projects are delayed or stalled due to limited internal resources and expertise.
  • High turnover: People frequently resign, leading to knowledge gaps and inconsistent support.

If you’ve recognised these signs and think co-managed IT is the best way forward, here are six benefits you can expect to see.

1. Access to expertise and resources

Co-managed IT increases the expertise and resources available to your business. Co-managed IT partners bring specialised knowledge in various areas, such as network security, data management, IT infrastructure and cybersecurity, which might not be readily available in-house. They can help your team improve IT management, leverage the latest technologies and implement best practices to enhance performance and reliability.

Additionally, a co-managed IT provider will stay abreast of industry trends and technological advancements. Your business will benefit from cutting-edge solutions and strategies that drive innovation and improve operational efficiency.

2. Scalability and flexibility

As your business grows and demands change, co-managed IT allows you to scale services up or down as needed. They can help you find solutions to accommodate more staff, adopt technology to support more business locations and meet growing IT support requests.

During peak times or large projects, the co-managed IT provider can deliver the necessary support to manage increased workloads without long-term staffing commitments. With this adaptability, your organisation can maintain agile IT operations and respond to changing business needs. Whether expanding your business, launching new projects, or facing seasonal fluctuations, co-managed IT services offer the flexibility to meet demands.

3. Improved end-user support

When IT issues cause too much downtime, they can leave staff frustrated and behind on their priorities. Combining your internal team with a co-managed IT provider can improve end-user support. For example, you may outsource most IT support to your co-managed provider, who has the resources to handle routine requests. This collaborative approach resolves issues quickly and effectively, improving overall user satisfaction and productivity.

Moreover, the co-managed IT partner can offer additional support during high-demand periods, such as new software rollouts or system upgrades, minimising disruptions to daily operations.

4. Innovation

A co-managed IT partner can help your organisation stay ahead of the curve. They will not just recommend the latest and greatest. Instead, they will only suggest you adopt new technology that aligns with your needs and business strategy. A co-managed IT partner identifies and integrates new technology into your infrastructure, ensuring a smooth transition and maximising their potential benefits. For example, they can help you identify the right approach for an AI initiative and implement it.

5. Focus on core business activities

Co-managed IT enables your in-house team to focus on core activities and strategic initiatives instead of becoming bogged down by routine maintenance and troubleshooting. In this instance, your internal team contributes to innovation and business growth while your co-managed IT partner handles routine tasks.

Delegating routine tasks to a co-managed IT partner frees your internal team to work on projects that drive the business forward. Whether developing new software, improving customer experiences, or enhancing operational processes, your IT team can focus on high-impact tasks that align with strategic goals.

6. Cybersecurity expertise

A co-managed IT partner can help your organisation address cybersecurity concerns. They often have security experts on their team who can analyse your current protections and collaborate on necessary changes. For example, a co-managed IT partner can identify whether your organisation must meet compliance requirements or help you align with frameworks like the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s (ACSC’s) Essential Eight Maturity Model.

Regular security assessments, proactive monitoring, and rapid response to incidents are ways co-managed IT services can bolster your cybersecurity posture, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to focus on your core business activities. They can also help your organisation adopt a layered approach to cybersecurity, including application controls, firewalls, multi-factor authentication (MFA), and user awareness training.


A co-managed IT partner gives your business a strategic advantage by supporting your internal team and optimising operations. Your business gains access to specialised expertise, scalable and flexible support, improved end-user experiences, and enhanced security measures.

A co-managed IT partnership is collaborative; your business decides which tasks your team will handle. By working together, both teams can support long-term business growth and innovation. If your business faces IT challenges, consider co-managed IT services as a solution to enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall success.

Why choose Simple Biz as your co-managed IT partner?

Technology has become the backbone of today's businesses. At Simple Biz, we complement your existing IT team through a co-managed partnership. We support you with IT management, align initiatives with your business goals and can reduce downtime or technical issues.

Our tailored services include same-day unlimited remote or onsite support, comprehensive maintenance, 24/7 monitoring, and advanced cybersecurity measures. Visit our Business IT Support page to learn how we can help your organisation thrive.

Posted on

July 5, 2024

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